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Lake Khövsgöl (Mongolian: Хөвсгөл нуур, romanized: Hövsgöl núr) is the largest freshwater lake in Mongolia by volume and second largest by area after Uvs Lake. It is located near the northern border of Mongolia, about 200 km (124 mi) west of the southern end of Lake Baikal. It is nicknamed the “Younger sister” of those two “sister lakes”.

The lake’s name is also spelled Hovsgol, Khövsgöl, or Huvsgul in English texts. In Mongolian it is also referred to as Хөвсгөл далай (Hövsgöl dalai; lit. ’Ocean Khövsgöl’) or Далай ээж (Dalai éj; lit. ’Ocean Mother’).

Adventure Tours

Mongolia’s history is extremely long; it spans over 5,000. “The Mongols has little inclination to ally with other nomadic peoples of northern Asia and, until the end of the 12th century, the Mongols were little more than a loose confederation of rival clans, It was in the late 12th century that a 20-year-old Mongol named Temujin emerged and managed to unite most of the Mongol tribes. In 1189 he was given the honorary name of Genghis Khan, meaning ‘universal king’. No Mongolian leader before or since has united the Mongolians so effectively.”

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Hiking & Tekking Tours

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10 Days 2-19 People
The Altai Mountains are a beautiful mixture of rough mountain peaks andsweeping valleys; for people who seek adventure, it is both a challengingand romantic landscape....
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Photography tours

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$ 1320
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10 Days 2-19 People
The Altai Mountains are a beautiful mixture of rough mountain peaks andsweeping valleys; for people who seek adventure, it is both a challengingand romantic landscape....
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